Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bedroom update

Long time, no see!
Vet school and illness got the better of me, I'm afraid. The hubster and I were both sick at the same time, too. I'm not sure who was taking care of whom, but I'm pretty sure the cats were looking after both of us for a time. We were miserable.

Over that now, and onto the rearrangement of the bedroom. The before shot was taken several months ago, shortly after we moved into our apartment. The bedroom has been very utilitarian until now - just a bed, hamper, and two closets. Our large dresser (which is really 3 separate pieces) was in another room. Here's the before:

I've added some more decor since then, but the bedroom was still very plain. Also, we wanted to have all our clothes in the same room. After some careful measurements, we rotated the bed and moved our dresser into the room. Here's the after (the room did not lengthen, it's just the panoramic view):

I am so happy with the change! There's plenty of room for the drawers to open, and the cats are no longer using our pillows as a launching point to get to the window. It took about thirty minutes to do this, but the results are fantastic. Just need to adjust the artwork to fit the new white space. You can also see that the cats are enjoying access to both of the bedroom windows now.

And speaking of that beastly dresser, I have a confession to make: I am a slob with the style of a trucker. I have too many t-shirts and not enough patience to make them all fit into the drawers. Shortly before we moved the dresser, I got my act together and tried folding my shirts so they stand on end (like so). The results were dramatic:

That's right - I gained space! My only sage wisdom with this is to check the height of your drawers. Some of the larger unisex tees are just a little bit high. I can still slide the drawer in and out of the frame with ease, but if the shirts were any larger, I might have to add an additional fold or find another way to stack them.

And as a last booyah! to the bedroom makeover:

I pulled my wedding button bouquet out of storage and have it displayed, finally! [Yes, that IS an adorable picture of my sister and me waaaaaay back when.]

That's it! Hopefully spring break will help my domestic productivity kick start. I need more crafting in my life.

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