Friday, March 27, 2015

Easter Egg Wreath

I've never been a huge fan of Easter egg or bunny wreaths because I feel they trivialize the significance of the holiday.  However, the recent loss in my life has taught me to take enjoyment in the simple things.

Presenting: the Easter egg wreath!

Supplies are from the $1-$3 aisle at Target or were already on hand. Don't let your cat hog the painted grapevine wreath.

I originally tried using wire to affix the strand of glittery egg lights.

This didn't create the look I was going for, so I ultimately wound up using hot glue to attach each egg to the grapevine. The excess wire was also hot glued to the back of the wreath.

I still used the wire to secure the battery pack to the wreath.  The battery pack must separate completely to insert new batteries, so its attachment must be temporary.

 Quick test of the lights....

Then I hung it using some spare pink ribbon (also, incidentally, from Target).

Even if it isn't a cross, this glittery wreath makes me smile and want to celebrate - which, in the end, is what Easter is all about.

Painted grapevine wreath: $3.00
10-bulb egg light strand: $3.00
Wire, glue, and ribbon already on hand: $0.00
TOTAL: $6.00

Cheap and simple for a little Easter spirit!

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