Okay. This one technically doesn't involve any sort of crafting. I casually mentioned to my father that if he had a full rack of antlers he didn't want, I'd like to mount some to hold my long necklaces. He immediately offered me a skull which he had cleaned a couple years ago. 8 points and lovely.
Since all the work was already done for me, I just had to hang it. The trick is using some really long screws (3.5") and some anatomy. The supraorbital foramen is the perfect size through which to drive a mounting screw.
Measure, level, drill holes in the wall (woooo power tools!), and fix it to the wall!
The rack is irregular, so it will always look a bit uneven. Fortunately, I'm not interested in symmetry.
There it is, all bedecked in my longer jewelry. Previous to this, all of my long necklaces were hanging from a single command hook. I'm happy to have them spread out. Even happier to have an excuse to own a deer skull. Feeling very Gaston now - I use antlers in all of my decorating!
Still think you should've gone with the tribal headdress